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Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

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Equality Objectives

At Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School, we are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents, carers, Governors and visitors. This is irrespective of race, disability, gender reassignment, age, pregnancy and maternity, marital status, sexual orientation, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation  or socio-economic background. In doing so, we fulfil one of the greatest commandments of all:


Love your neighbour as yourself

Mark 12:31


We believe that diversity enriches our lives and it is to be valued.   Our aim is to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity, in which every member of the school community should feel safe, secure, valued and feel proud of their identity and able to participate fully in school life.  

We tackle discrimination through the positive promotion of equality; by challenging bullying and stereotyping and through the creation of an environment, which champions respect for all.


Our approach to equality is based on the following 7 key principles:

  • All learners are of equal value
  • We recognise, respect and value difference and understand that diversity is a strength
  • We foster positive attitudes and relationships with a shared sense of belonging
  • We observe good practice is staff recruitment, retention and development 
  • We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that exist or emerge
  • We work to raise standards for all pupils, but especially for the most vulnerable
  • We have the highest expectations of all our children.


Our Equality Objectives for 2023-2026 are:

  • To continue to monitor and analyse pupil achievement by race, gender and disability and act upon any trends or patterns in this data that require additional support for pupils.
  • To continue to raise levels of attainment in core subjects for vulnerable learners.
  • To continue to monitor and support attendance of all groups of children in school.
  • To review levels of parental and pupil engagement in learning and school life, across all activities to ensure equity and fairness in access and engagement.
  • To provide appropriate and early pastoral interventions for pupils to promote positive behaviour and inclusion, especially for those groups over-represented in behaviour data (including boys and students with special educational needs).
  • To diversify the curriculum in all areas to ensure the positive representation of all protected characteristics across so that our pupils can see and can be seen.
  • To reduce the incidence of the use of discriminatory language and prejudice-based bullying by pupils in the school and to ensure consistent recording, reporting and action by staff following those incidents.
  • To ensure the school environment is as accessible as possible to pupils, staff and visitors.