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Our Class Saints

At Good Shepherd, every class has a Class Saint to help guide them in their school life.  We want to celebrate the lives of the Saints and take guidance from how they lived their lives to make Christ known to all.

At the start of each year, the children learn more deeply about their Saint. They ask these Saints for their intercessions during our collective worship and remember them in their class prayers throughout the year. 


Nursery: St Paul            Reception: St Peter

Feast Day: 29th June


St Peter and St Paul are traditionally the Class Saints for our Nursery and Reception children. St Peter and St Paul are two great Apostles who are joint patron saints of the city of Rome and are considered cornerstones of the Church. This is why they are chosen as the Saints for our Early Years children.


St Peter was one of the twelve Apostles as well as the first Pope and the founder of the Roman Church.


St Paul was also an Apostle and responsible for a large part of the Bible. Even though he never met Jesus, he was one of the most important Apostles who spread the word of Jesus and early Christianity.



Year 1: St Jude

Feast Day: 28th October

St. Jude was one of the twelve Apostles of Jesus. Sometimes called “the Forgotten Saint”, St. Jude has never been one to forget those who turn to him. He is the patron saint for all those cases which are most desperate, most hopeless, and most impossible. Many people face incredibly difficult circumstances, and having a saint whose patronage is “lost causes” gives them great hope.


Our Faith Ambassadors chose the possible saints for Year 1 who they felt would be people who could inspire the children. They  narrowed down their choices with Fr John and then the Year 1 parents voted. 


St. Jude | The National Shrine of Saint Jude

Year 2: St Monica

Feast Day: 27th August

St. Monica was an early North African Christian saint and the mother of Augustine of Hippo. She is remembered and honoured in the Catholic Church for her outstanding Catholic virtues, particularly her prayerful life.


St Monica is also the patron saint of patience.


Year 3: St Anthony of Padua

Feast Day: 13th June

St Anthony was both a preacher and a teacher. Everyone could understand his messages. Once, when St. Anthony of Padua attempted to preach the true Gospel of the Catholic Church to people who would not listen to him, he went out and preached his message to the fish.  When critics saw the fish begin to gather, they realized they should also listen to what Anthony had to say.


St Anthony is the patron saint of lost articles.


Year 4: St Philomena 

Feast Day: 11th August

St Philomena was a Greek princess who became a martyr at 13-years-old. She is a miraculous saint and the patron saint of infants, babies, and youth. She is often depicted in her youth with a flower crown, a palm of martyrdom, arrows, or an anchor.


Year 5: St David 

Feast Day: 1st March

St David was renowned as a teacher and preacher, founding monastic settlements and churches in Wales. His best-known miracle is said to have taken place when he was preaching in the middle of a large crowd and the ground on which he stood is reputed to have risen up to form a small hill. A white dove, which became his emblem, was seen settling on his shoulder.

St David is the patron saint of Wales as well as vegetarians and poets.

Year 6: St Angela 

Feast Day: 27th January

St Angela Merici was inspired by the Holy Spirit to dedicate herself to the Lord and to give her life in service to the Church to help everyone grow closer to the Lord.  She founded the Company of St. Ursula in 1535 in Brescia, in which women dedicated their lives to the service of the church through the education of girls

St Angela is patron saint of the sick, the disabled and physically challenged people and courage, strength, and determination.