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Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

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Online Safety

At Good Shepherd we encourage pupils to use the information available on the Internet to broaden their learning experiences and develop creativity in and out of school.

We teach them the appropriate skills to analyse and evaluate the resources they are using.

However, it is also important to consider the risks associated with the way  the Internet and different technologies can be used.

  • Are you concerned with your child/ren's activity on the internet?
  • Do you know how to check who your child is talking to online?
  • Have you checked your child's online privacy settings?
  • If your child was accessing unsuitable websites, would you know what to do to prevent this?

We hope these links will help you with some of the common issues faced by you as parents of children using the rapidly expanding and inviting resources that can be found when using the Internet.

Good Shepherd E-Safety Policy

An interactive guide for parents:

Click here

Parent Guide to Technology

This guide has been created to empower parents with the knowledge they need to support their children to use these technologies safely and responsibly.

Click here

Digital Citizenship

The Digizen website provides information for educators, parents, carers, and young people. It is used to strengthen their awareness and understanding of what digital citizenship is and encourages users of technology to be and become responsible Digital citizens. It shares specific advice and resources on issues such as social networking and cyberbullying and how these relate to and affect their own and other people’s online experiences and behaviours.

Click here


Facebook is not for the under 13s - see this guidance put together by the London Grid for Learning

Click here

Good Shepherd Safer Internet Workshop 10.02.15 Handouts

Conversation starters for Parents

Parents factsheet

Supporting Young People Online

Reporting Misuse of the Internet

Where young people are concerned technology offers many positive educational and social benefits.

As with anything though, there are risks that come with it, and without even realising it, vulnerable children may find themselves in activities with are inappropriate.

It is important that school, parents and young people stand up to the misuse of the internet and report it immediately.

Student Help Advice Reporting Page System

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre