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Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School

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School Improvement Plan

Key Areas for Development 2024-25



Main priorities

Catholic Life and Mission,

Religious Education

Collective Worship

  • To develop reflective and deep thinkers who can confidently articulate their faith and the impact it has on their lives
  • To embed sustainable child-led Collective Worship
  • To  develop a programme to further enhance the life and mission of the school by involving the wider community

Quality of Education

Behaviour and Attitudes

Personal Development

Leadership and Management

Early Years

  • For all identifiable groups, to narrow the gap between pupil outcomes in reading, writing and maths so that a significant majority reach age expectations in reading, writing and maths combined
  • To ensure high-quality teaching and learning of maths
  • To develop children’s oracy skills
  • To ensure that our curriculum reflects the children and is fit for purpose
  • To secure good attendance (of at least 96%) and tackle persistent absence
  • To ensure there is a positive and consistent approach to behaviour across the school
  • To develop pupils’ confidence, resilience and knowledge so that they can keep themselves safe, mentally healthy and are prepared for modern life
  • To help children manage their emotions
  • To grow effective subject leaders and further develop teachers’ subject expertise and pedagogical knowledge
  • To continue to be committed to inclusion by ensuring that the curriculum is successfully adapted, designed and developed to meet the needs of all pupils, including those with SEND
  • To increase parental engagement
  • To sustain GLD outcomes for EYFS to continue to be above national.